Tuesday, 3 September 2013

We were carried above a storm.

I lay helpless and so did my dear family.  The next faint image was seeing my brother at my bed side. Due to the tubes in my mouth I could not speak and had no vision. But I could still write.  And write I did....on a white board given to my hand. I wrote To ask for my brother , to Thank my parents and to ask questions that I seeked answers to ... like How's the Cat ?:-)

I eventually was able to hear and respond to my sister in law who is now more my sister and listened to her encouraging words, and heared my dear cousin who had visited inter state to be with me...

The hundreds of people that surrounded us with food for my family the many many calls they received from family , friends,  friends of friends,  from most parts of the world warmed and touched our hearts. .The number of people that had heard through my mother's Facebook updates and rushed to be by thier side I cannot Thank enough.

My classmates that shared my pain , cried when my family cried,  prayed united,  called from wherever they were sent their love across oceans. .

And especially my very own family my aunts and uncles cousins, nieces and nephews that prayed day and night that shared every single tear and heartache and went on bended knee to The almighty to plead for my life back.

To Cameron's family that sent well wishing cards visited me and showed me such immense support during the darkest times, Iam grateful. .

To my CARE work buddies who really lived up to our name of caring!  I am amazed. .

To the doctors that said I may not pull through amd to the doctors that had faith.  I thank you both.  For you planted in us a new found faith.  That there is a higher power that saw us through this.

The next two and a half weeks my life took a turn from knocking on death's door to opening a new life in me. From not being able to open my eyes to being able to see the beautiful people that visited me, listen to thier messages and songs

I died a little inside.  My old perceptions of outward beauty,  image and enhancing our outward shell all made no sense anymore. .it was more about developing our inner selves,  FINDING MY INNER STRENGTH AND BEYOND. .

I was a new creation.  From the two critical days of being diagnosed with a life threatening condition The doctors could not believe their eyes.  The progress I made They called it dramatic. .They thought I'd spend months in ICU Instead I spent two weeks. .

There are so many intricate details I could blog about but I think my life's journey will demonstrate the dramatic changes I have gone through. .

It is like I was picked out to be destroyed but then through the power of prayer the support of loved ones family, strangers,  nurses,  doctors. The Grace sent down to me from up above transformed me into a Rose a miracle,so I could live to tell this story. .

Please stay tuned to my blog to find out more about SJS, its side effects and my recovery. and how miraculous it all was and still is daily

To follow:Two beautiful parents that made sacrifices beyond their call of duty,  a brother and a sister in law that looked after me like they would a baby, my mother's journey to share my pain (literally) a partner that is supportive beyond understanding and friends that carry me on thier wings. .

Happy reading. .

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