Patience is a virtue, we're told... .indeed. .. another trait my body is teaching me. .
Just only two months ago, nearly. ..was I in a hospital bed laying there literally dying.
While I was brushing and flossing my teeth, just recently. .I recalled the time my entire inside of my mouth was one big wound my throat full of blisters and how sensitive even my teeth were. ... I also recall the non stop bleeding from my lips that felt like it was never going to heal. .and how far its come..
Prior to this experience in life I was a person that wanted everything done instantaneously. .. and had no patience. ..
Now. ...
Am learning that the good things in life can't be rushed but must be savoured every step of the way. ..
Even while I suffered in pain I learnt to look at only the next moment because that is all that is ever within reach. . Savour even the painful experiences to get to where am at today. .to stop complaining about the little aches, pains, discomfort and accept it with positivity. .
I haven't mastered the art yet I don't think any of us ever fully will... It's a tough one, but giving it my best shot..imagine how disheartening it would be to hear someone complain about an ache or pain first thing in the morning-- rather negative. . My mum always says don't complain. .instead praise God for every breath. .. and trust and have patience in the process. ... of recovery and healing. ..
God doesn't give you pain or a trial without the strength to fight it
.whatever you may be facing today pain, illness, heartaches, worry. . Trust the process. ..
I have healed so fast. .. it still feels so fresh in my mind coming out of hospital but feeling so weak, weary and depressed. .and helpless. ..
But my skin is healing daily, my hair growing stronger and my eye sight improving. ..Gradually. .if you see the picture attached the right side of my back is fast filling in with my usual pigmentation. .in the meantime there is nothing I can apply or use for the healing of my skin or eyes to heal. But have faith. .
Am trusting the process to heal and learn. .
We ask God for patience he gives us trials to strengthen our souls. .
For those of you reading this I hope you find patience in whatever you face and trust the process, without complaints. . Also if you hear me complain about my situation here's your cue to tell me off :-)
We're all learning so much along this journey. . But sometimes feels like am in fast forward mode. .to learning. . Maybe God's way of granting my biggest hearts desire to help another, through life. .and going through the fire. .
My blog will soon explore how I once more have to put the art of letting go to the test. .. More amazing individuals I have come across and more inspiring lessons am learning. .
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